Sunday, November 30, 2008
Thanksgiving 'Nawlins Style
I'm back from my trip to New Orleans, Louisiana for a thanksgiving family reunion. I have lots of pictures and stories to share, but I have so much homework, I really shouldn't be blogging. So I will post just a few photos to give y'all a taste.

Saturday, November 15, 2008
You Tube Gems
I've yet to post you tube vid's on my blog, so here are two of my fave.
1) Dr. Dog's "Fools Life" set to a 1950's bicycle saftey video.
I just recently found out about Dr. Dog (thanks Shea) and they are becoming on of my favorite bands. They sort of sound like The Kinks but they are from my generation. "Fools Life" isn't my favorite song by them, but the way it sync's up to this crazy video is great. The video itself is great, kids in gorilla masks on old cruisers! I know I said only two videos but I was just reminded of this video that Megan showed me:
1b)Bat For Lashes- "Whats a Girl to Do"
Fast forward to 00:35 if your really impatient, but trust me you'll want to watch this a few times. I'm undecided on how much I like this band or not. But this vid, for sure.
2) Maru the Cat
So, this isn't new so you may have already seen it, perhaps I even showed it to you. It makes everyone laugh, alot. What is it about sprawled fat cats that is universally enjoyable? What I just typed reminds me of this great Tapir Vid comment...
2b) Tapir Massage
Back in GD1 I was working on a project that involved a lot of Tapir Research and lead me into the AMAZING world of tapir videos on you tube (beware of seemingly innocent video titles like "Tapir eating bread" which is really a vid of the tapirs extremly freakishly long penis.) The best part is the comments section! Tapir fanatics and weirdos alike post off the wall comments, I have screen shots somewhere, but here are just some I copied:
(I know there are alot below, but I seriously restrained my self, these are only some of the great comments)
D00nhamer (9 months ago)
tylerchester88 (9 months ago)
this vid makes me horney
6ooboii (9 months ago)
was she jacking him off at 16sec ????
This is the way every tapir in the world should be treated!
wolfpackforlife (10 months ago)
The girl in this video was arrested shortly after this was taken.
REDTYGER62 (1 year ago)
This is great vid. She looks like a very nice girl. Love the tapir.
etiennecartier1 (1 year ago)
Very Cool!
I have a friend that looks like just a Tapir.
He is cool though.....We call him Tapy..
pure perfection
ohmygoodgosh9 (1 year ago)
tapirs are cool
vlunkk (1 year ago)
cute girl, where can I hire a tapirsuit?
6V92TA (1 year ago)
im wit you...where can i buy a Tapir i can get a rub down by the cute girl too!
azizi3929 (1 year ago)
can you ride a tapir?...just curious...
Johnf85 (1 year ago)
i dont think your supposed to...but you can......i found a way
Rabanastre (7 months ago)
tapirs are so cute ^^
fobchic221 (4 months ago)
yeah one "talked" 2 me and my dad in san diego
rononomikon (5 months ago)
Reply | Spam
what the?!?!?!
0:15: hand goes down and away...
0:18: tapir's leg starts to go up extra far...
0:25: you see her arm start moving back and forth again, and the tapir's leg goes back down...
tell me she's not rubbing its privates... :(
My fave comment:
Whatever it is about tapirs that inspire the jump blues, i get it.
1) Dr. Dog's "Fools Life" set to a 1950's bicycle saftey video.
I just recently found out about Dr. Dog (thanks Shea) and they are becoming on of my favorite bands. They sort of sound like The Kinks but they are from my generation. "Fools Life" isn't my favorite song by them, but the way it sync's up to this crazy video is great. The video itself is great, kids in gorilla masks on old cruisers! I know I said only two videos but I was just reminded of this video that Megan showed me:
1b)Bat For Lashes- "Whats a Girl to Do"
Fast forward to 00:35 if your really impatient, but trust me you'll want to watch this a few times. I'm undecided on how much I like this band or not. But this vid, for sure.
2) Maru the Cat
So, this isn't new so you may have already seen it, perhaps I even showed it to you. It makes everyone laugh, alot. What is it about sprawled fat cats that is universally enjoyable? What I just typed reminds me of this great Tapir Vid comment...
2b) Tapir Massage
Back in GD1 I was working on a project that involved a lot of Tapir Research and lead me into the AMAZING world of tapir videos on you tube (beware of seemingly innocent video titles like "Tapir eating bread" which is really a vid of the tapirs extremly freakishly long penis.) The best part is the comments section! Tapir fanatics and weirdos alike post off the wall comments, I have screen shots somewhere, but here are just some I copied:
(I know there are alot below, but I seriously restrained my self, these are only some of the great comments)
D00nhamer (9 months ago)
tylerchester88 (9 months ago)
this vid makes me horney
6ooboii (9 months ago)
was she jacking him off at 16sec ????
This is the way every tapir in the world should be treated!
wolfpackforlife (10 months ago)
The girl in this video was arrested shortly after this was taken.
REDTYGER62 (1 year ago)
This is great vid. She looks like a very nice girl. Love the tapir.
etiennecartier1 (1 year ago)
Very Cool!
I have a friend that looks like just a Tapir.
He is cool though.....We call him Tapy..
pure perfection
ohmygoodgosh9 (1 year ago)
tapirs are cool
vlunkk (1 year ago)
cute girl, where can I hire a tapirsuit?
6V92TA (1 year ago)
im wit you...where can i buy a Tapir i can get a rub down by the cute girl too!
azizi3929 (1 year ago)
can you ride a tapir?...just curious...
Johnf85 (1 year ago)
i dont think your supposed to...but you can......i found a way
Rabanastre (7 months ago)
tapirs are so cute ^^
fobchic221 (4 months ago)
yeah one "talked" 2 me and my dad in san diego
rononomikon (5 months ago)
Reply | Spam
what the?!?!?!
0:15: hand goes down and away...
0:18: tapir's leg starts to go up extra far...
0:25: you see her arm start moving back and forth again, and the tapir's leg goes back down...
tell me she's not rubbing its privates... :(
My fave comment:
Whatever it is about tapirs that inspire the jump blues, i get it.
Friday, November 14, 2008
For Jack
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Baier Likes Tinkertoys
I just finished my last advising appointment, and dropped off my class registration for my last semester at MCAD!!! The end is nigh. Here are 2 projects I just wrapped up:
TINKER TOYS- rebranding (logo + packaging for GD2) Check out the triangluar box I made:

Thanks to Lauren for all her support and excitment throughout this project.
Next, for Illustration I drew some Astrological Signs, the only problem is I did them really fast! So I don't know if they're really DONE or NOT? Can you guess what sign they are? (Abby?)

Thanks to Andres for the vellum!
TINKER TOYS- rebranding (logo + packaging for GD2) Check out the triangluar box I made:

Thanks to Lauren for all her support and excitment throughout this project.
Next, for Illustration I drew some Astrological Signs, the only problem is I did them really fast! So I don't know if they're really DONE or NOT? Can you guess what sign they are? (Abby?)

Thanks to Andres for the vellum!
Monday, November 3, 2008
My First Design Post!
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